Fee Schedule
ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Consultants (AEC) offers professional energy consulting services at a fair and reasonable price. We offer flexible consulting fee programs and payment plans. Once a project is identified, with a scope of work defined, AEC will work with the client to determine a mutually acceptable fee schedule and payment plan, based on the services required. Our fee plans are outlined below:
- Projects that have a clearly defined and detailed scope of work, typically we would quote a fixed fee, over an agreed to time period.
- Projects that will be completed in phases, typically a NTE time + materials fee schedule works best.
- For on-going, periodic support where AEC becomes a technical resource for the Facility Manager or Energy Manager, a retainer type fee schedule would be a best option. This allows for uninterrupted access to our consulting services for a set monthly fee.
- For each of the plans above, the only additional client cost will be Travel & Per Diem, as required for the project. Travel costs will be billed as actual travel costs + 15% administrative fee.